Welcome to Fancy Faces by Marilyn

Welcome to your Red Carpet Moment. Where I believe that every women should be treated like celebrity without the celebrity price tag.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Tabaky A Beauty Treatment From Wood

Tabaky is made from the sapwood of the masonjoany and fihamy (also called avlavy) trees. The procedure is simple. A woman rubs a small piece of sapwood against a flat stone, slowly adding a fe drops of water at a time to form a paste. She may then dad a small wooden or plastic stick with a rounded end or a fine point into the paste and draw a design on her face. The tabaky is found in the southwest portion of Madagascar.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Makeup Tips

Common products for makeup application including the following: Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer, and Lip Gloss.

Concealer is usually one to two shades lighter than foundation. You can apply this under or over the foundation under the eyes.  It can also be used as a highlighter because its lighter than the skin color, accentuating and bringing out your features. A darker concealer can be used as a contour.  Light brings out  your feature and dark causes them to reced

Monday, September 21, 2009


Your wedding should reflect your style, and personality. If you don't know what your style is then maybe should enlist a professional wedding planner to help you. Another professional person you might want to think about enlisting is a professional makeup artist. Wedding professionals can't help you create the whatever you desire to have. Now is "Your Moment to Sparkle."